Product News: Purchasing Solution Enhancements

When we first announced our Purchasing Solution back in November, we were bowled over by the positive feedback. We’ve since spent the last few months working to make it even better, and today we’re pleased to share a few more exciting features designed to enhance our workflow platform.

The following improvements are available now or coming soon for ApprovalMax’s Purchasing Solution:

New Feature – Available Now

Purchase Order Cloning – A long awaited feature, ApprovalMax users can now clone a PO instead of creating the same PO over and over again. The cloned PO can be opened in edit mode, and any necessary changes can be made.

Cloning a Purchase Order

New Features – Coming Soon

Mandatory or Optional Account and Tax Fields – Account and Tax fields can be set to either mandatory or optional during the creation of a PO. This particular feature will be vital for companies with Purchase Order Requestors who are business users, as opposed to accounting team members. This means business users can raise POs without seeing sensitive Account or Tax information.

There are also cases where Account and Tax fields need to be completed, for example in schools and not-for-profit organisations.

This option is set by the Administrator during the configuration of the Requestor Matrix.

Create and Change Supplier Email Templates – Earlier, ApprovalMax provided the ability to send a custom email to the Supplier when sending an approved Purchase Order. With our upcoming update, the ability to create and change emails to Suppliers will be provided, making the interaction with the Supplier more personal.

Note: ApprovalMax will enable these features in upcoming releases.

An Ever-expanding Set of Features

ApprovalMax’s Purchasing Solution already includes the following key capabilities:

  • PO creation and approval in ApprovalMax
  • Bill review and approval in ApprovalMax
  • Matching of Bills to their corresponding POs
  • Budget Check – the capability to check if a PO or a Bill sent for approval does or does not exceed the allocated budget. This feature is currently available in Beta.

And with more on the horizon, we’re confident you’ll enjoy having such a robust purchasing workflow at your fingertips.

Work Smarter with ApprovalMax

These latest enhancements have been created with your workflow and security in mind. Your company’s purchasing process will be smoother, smarter, and safer than ever before.

If you’d like to learn more about our Purchasing Solution, email

And if you’re not currently benefiting from ApprovalMax, find out more about the platform and its other capabilities by clicking here. Or if you’d like to try it out, sign up for your no-risk 30 day free trial here.

Do you have questions? Email us at or register for our next webinar: for UK & US and for AU & NZ.

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ApprovalMax Team