At ApprovalMax we take pride in being able to save businesses time by providing them with easy-to-use approval software for their bills, purchase orders, expenses and credit notes.
We are very excited to announce that ApprovalMax now supports Batch Payment approval functionality. This allows businesses to create, authorise, and audit batch payments when using our tool with Xero. Batch payment approval workflows provide all the same benefits as regular approval automation in ApprovalMax, such as the ability to set up complex multi-role workflows, track changes with easy-to-refer-to audit logs, and one-tap approvals to your inbox when using a desktop, or via the ApprovalMax Mobile App.

Batch payments allow businesses to send multiple payments to different recipients at once. This flexibility is an essential part of spend control within Accounts Payable (AP) teams. Instead of processing singular payments, batch payments ensure priority is given to due invoices and bills, meaning all funds are not spent at once and healthy cash flow can be maintained within an organisation.
Even though regular approval workflows in ApprovalMax allow decision-makers to approve spending with purchase orders and invoices, documents in a batch aren’t yet approved for payment, as payments are decided on a different set of criteria.
When multiple invoices are collected to be paid as a payment run or batch payment, it’s important that the correct stakeholders review and approve the batch before processing. Once payment is made, it’s difficult to reverse this action.
Until now, the solution has been for AP teams to use a mixture of manual tools (such as emails and spreadsheets) to manage payment authorisations. With Batch Payments in ApprovalMax, organisations that integrate ApprovalMax with Xero can create and automate multi-step approval workflows for batch payments. This dramatically improves the speed of processing, provides teams with more control over payments, and helps support healthy cash flow.
When batch payment approvals are automated with ApprovalMax, all manual approval methods are no longer required.
Automating batch payment approvals in ApprovalMax is a welcome time-saver and gives accounts payable teams greater control over their finances. Detailed workflows based on criteria such as ‘amount’, ‘supplier’, and ‘requestor’ allow teams to easily set-up unique approval workflows depending on the type of batch payment being submitted. This ‘set and forget’ functionality means accounts payable teams no longer need to think about who is required to approve specific payments each and every time, and they can get on with work that really matters.
When batch payments are managed by Xero and ApprovalMax, it transforms the way finance teams collect invoices for batch payments by ensuring they’re approved for payment. When Xero and ApprovalMax are used together, it completely streamlines this process with automation. Say goodbye to messy email chains and ad-hoc phone calls to confirm approval for payments. Let ApprovalMax handle it, and enjoy faster payments and happier suppliers in the long run.
Batch payments provide finance teams with more power to prioritise suppliers, and ensure urgent invoices are paid with priority and when cash levels are suitable. When approvals for batch payments are automated with ApprovalMax this entire process becomes faster, and invoices are paid more efficiently. Finance teams can avoid late fees, emailing back and forth, or playing phone tag with suppliers regarding overdue accounts.
Just like ApprovalMax’s core approval functionality, batch payment approval workflows integrate seamlessly with Xero. This means decision makers are kept out of the accounting software, and finance teams can feel confident knowing Xero’s data reflects the work ApprovalMax has completed in the background for them.
As a preferred Xero App Partner, ApprovalMax ensures all batch payment statuses automatically update in Xero when approval workflows are completed. When complete, the batch can then be exported from Xero and uploaded to the bank for payment. When payment is made, Xero imports the bank feed data and all transactions are automatically reconciled with the batch payment. This powerful combination of features provides accountants and bookkeepers with the tools to manage batch payments for their clients, without granting access to the banking application.

Decision makers are provided with a powerful solution to make clear decisions on batch payments, where they can easily drill down on individual invoices. Also, ApprovalMax partners and accounting firms now have a batch payment approval solution without the need to log into clients banking applications.
Set up a system of checks and balances for your financial operations.
Multi-step, multi-role approval workflows for financial documents.

Auto-generated audit reports for each approved item.

Get alerts for fraudulent activity and protect against it happening.
Leave printing in the past with fully digitised workflows.