The strategic partnership is intended to bring finance and procurement teams closer, while allowing businesses to streamline purchase order management, build stronger financial controls, boost efficiency, and mitigate risks associated with managing large inventories.

“We know that inventory management is crucial for businesses’ success but many still use slow, manual processes to get it done.” said Konstantin Bredyuk, CEO of ApprovalMax.

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By combining our powerful approval automation with Cin7 Core’s inventory management capabilities, we want to help these businesses tap into a faster, simpler, and easier way to handle inventory approvals and workflows, while still building strong financial controls.
Konstantin Bredyuk
Konstantin Bredyuk
CEO of ApprovalMax

ApprovalMax customers using Cin7 Core can tighten their financial controls, reduce errors, and enhance security in inventory management processes. Customisable workflows allow decision-makers to approve everything in one place, adding an extra layer of efficiency and control to business operations.

“We are excited to partner with ApprovalMax and offer our customers a seamless integration that enhances their inventory management and procurement processes,” said Arun Kumar, Global Director, Technology & Strategic Partnerships of Cin7. “By leveraging ApprovalMax’s approval automation functionality and financial controls, our customers can focus on growing their businesses while ensuring operations efficiency and business compliance.”

About the integration

With Cin7 Core and ApprovalMax, businesses can automatically route purchase orders from Cin7 to decision-makers within ApprovalMax, removing the need for manual follow-ups for a simpler approval process. This addresses common challenges finance teams face due to a lack of visibility and version control in the purchase order approval process, which often leads to delays, errors, and even potential fraud.

Together Cin7 Core and ApprovalMax:

  • Multi-level and multi-conditional approval workflows for purchase orders, putting documents in the hands of the right people.
  • Fraud detection capabilities that monitor changes to approved purchase orders, safeguarding businesses against potential fraudulent activities.
  • Flexible approval workflow management, allowing finance teams to make changes directly in ApprovalMax without modifying Cin7 Core settings.
  • Automated notifications keep stakeholders informed throughout the approval process, reducing bottlenecks and improving collaboration.
  • Seamless integration with Xero and QBO today, so businesses can approve purchase orders, invoices, and credit notes from a single platform. Additional integrations with other prominent accounting platforms in the future.
The integration is available now. To get set up, users need active accounts with both ApprovalMax and Cin7 Core.
For further information
If you have any questions or would like to request further information, please contact
About ApprovalMax

ApprovalMax is an award-winning B2B software platform used by businesses around the world to build robust financial controls. It streamlines the approval process by allowing users to create automated workflows to approve bills and invoices. ApprovalMax integrates with accounting platforms such as Xero, QuickBooks Online, and NetSuite to unlock powerful efficiencies for accounts payable and accounts receivable functions in any finance team.

About Cin7 Core

Cin7 provides Connected Inventory Performance – cloud-based inventory management software that gives growing product businesses an automated and real-time view of the entire inventory lifecycle. Cin7’s products, Core and Omni, natively integrate with over 700+ applications, so you can consolidate, streamline, automate, and scale your inventory operation from one place.

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